How to become a Miche representative

So, who wants to have lots of fun in 2013, is energetic and positive?

Check it out ~ we have a great group of ladies with a “team training” approach! No exp necessary, just motivation and drive!

What does this mean? Truly, the Miche opportunity is legitimate- I can promise it’s not another one of those “get rich quick” schemes you’ve seen in other places. It’s something you have to work for, and work at. No posting ads in random places and expectations of instant gratification. Being a Miche representative is just like a “job”.. only your boss is the person whose skin you wake up in every day, and the person you see in the mirror. That said—you can set your own hours, work toward your own goals, and reach your ultimate potential, all while having fun, enjoying the company of other women, and carrying the most fashionable handbag!

Our team values a “team approach”-if you have questions along the way, you’ll have an entire team of other great representatives to assist you with suggestions, references, and training! Miche also has fabulous training materials, both in person, online, and via webinar and phone. You’ll work for yourself-but you’re never alone!

So, what kind of people become Miche representatives? We have nurses, teachers, postal workers, delivery drivers,  women and men  with Associate degrees, Bachelor degrees, and Masters degrees – as well as High School educated, and women, as well as men, that have never had any formal education.  No experience is necessary, the training is on the job–and your earnings depend on your individual efforts! ANYONE with drive and desire can reach their full potential as a Miche representative…it all depends on YOU!

Do you have what it takes? Learn more now CLICK HERE

I know you’ll have questions, and you can feel free to contact me at ~ no obligation, just request the information and I’ll be glad to share it with you! If you decide at that point you’d like to become part of a great team, just let me know!

Polly Workinger-Independent Miche representative/ Executive Director
