Miche shells availability update~

I have found that the Demi Miche hope purple is sold out, and there are no future plans for more product. This was something I had personally anticipated—as the HOPE shells are always limited release and availability, and there’s no way to predict just how popular a shell will be.

There are more HOPE purple shells for the classic, prima, and petite base–however please take into consideration that these are also limited edition shells, and there’s no way to predict how long they’ll last.  I try to let people know in advance with limited edition items, that they MAY be gone within a week or two—I’m not trying to create a frenzy or employ a deceptive marketing scheme–it’s just the way it happens, and I don’t want my customers to miss out on something they really desire!

The Miche white base is also a limited time only product. Please order accordingly when you see “limited time”.  The hope purple demi was available on my website for less than 14 days, and there are none left. If you see a Miche shell you “must have” please take advantage of the prior knowledge and place your order~

There is one bit of fabulous news-some items you may have missed out on in the past will be re-released soon. The Miche Beverly demi shell is also currently out of stock, however will be added when more supplies are available-so if you’re searching for Beverly, sit tight 🙂

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Feel free to contact me at sdhmhandbags@aol.com if I can assist you with your order, or if you’d enjoy a miche home show–online parties are welcome! Business opportunity available-I’m always looking for energetic and motivated individuals to join my team. If you’ve ever considered becoming a Miche representative, I would be happy to answer your questions about the compensation plan, quotas, start up costs, what comes in a Miche starter kit—anything at all!


New Miche website-clearance Miche shells, and some hard to find items! Silver braided rope handles!!


I wanted to drop you a line and let you know, I have an all new website! This is fabulous news as far as availability-the new November Shells are released, and there are a LIMITED number of silver braided handles–as well as clearance shells, clearance handles, and more!

The new site is http://diva.miche.com — visa, mastercard, and discover are accepted. Enclosed is a photo of the limited time handles–if you want them make sure you order right away, they will go fast! They compliment the new releases, as well as Whitney, Oakley, Iris, and many more–including your holiday shells Joy and Noel!

If you have any questions or, if you’d like to hostess a home show, feel free to contact me!

Polly Workinger
